Monday, March 25, 2013

Solo 5k

I did it.

I ran my first 5k post-injury.

And I did it

I had a run set up with a couple of friends yesterday afternoon. But after I asked to push it up by an hour so I could accommodate my kids want to swim, one of my friends had to bow out. 5 minutes before we were supposed to meet up, I got a text from my other friend and she had to bail due to a friend's surprise visit at her house.

I am glad she didn't give me any time to change my mind (or my clothes) because I had dedicated to go out and was still going even if it were to be a solo run. I had mapped it out, had let the husband know where I planned on running, and had plans to head to the swimming pool afterwards with the family - no way was I backing out now!

I headed out, and as usual, the first 10 minutes were the hardest. I find it usually takes that long for me to find my pace and keep it relatively even. I likely go a bit too fast out of the gates and once I get to that first minute walk, I am able to back off a bit, remind myself this is supposed to be a SLOW LONG RUN, and keep trucking along.

The wind was stronger than I had thought but the route I mapped out for myself was one that took the tour around our old neighbourhood, and it was fun to see how nothing had changed in the last 4 years. Next time, I will have to make sure I run by the old park to see if it has been upgraded yet.

Those last 400 meters (or so), I felt I really needed to push through - I really waned to stop prematurely and that is something I find difficult in races too. I see that (pretend) finish line and just want to stop once it is in sight instead of pounding the pavement until it is behind me.

Things to work on.

All in all, I tracked just a little less than 18 kms this past week - a new record!

Let's see if I can surpass it again this week.

The run

Friday was my first day at the Running Room for the 10k training group. I was, in a word, anxious.

I had all these nerves flowing through my body. Worries that I would not be fast enough, or good enough or strong enough. That I wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace of the group and that I would be left in the back.

This is what happened last fall, and I had been running a lot longer at that point than I have since being sidelined.

BUT, I decided to go to the class anyways, nerves balled up and stomach in knots, to challenge myself, to push myself and to TRY. If I didn't succeed, then I could always defer again and try again after.

There are 30 of us in the Friday night group - most with the look of long-term runners. The strong, lean bodies making me even more worried about my result.

After half an hour of listening to what we should expect from the program, we went out for our first run. I had expected a 3k... then was told it would be 4. I began the run in the middle of the pack, and fell to the back after the first 5 minutes. I felt sick to my stomach with running nerves - similar to those I have felt in the past when I get ready to start a race - and I knew it would take at least the first 10 minutes to work that out. So, expecting to be at the back of the pack, I plugged in to my headphones and tried to go at my own speed without feeling the pressure of NEEDING to catch up. I was reminded by the RR leader that I should be able to talk comfortably while running, and that if I found myself huffing and puffing I should slow down.

And then something happened. I told the leader (Lian) that I was just thrilled to be able to run 10 non-stop minutes... that this was something that I had told myself since my childhood I could NEVER do. I was always the one who was good at speed but never at endurance. But the very fact I had proven myself wrong... all these years later... made me proud and not interested in what the clock said, but at what my body said. And at that moment, I was able to let go of being at the back of the pack and simply enjoy the ride.

About halfway through the run, the girl who had been running at a similar pace to me but was about 10 steps ahead of me slowed down a bit, and we began running side by side. I found myself slowing to her pace because I didn't want her to feel like I had last fall... like I had failed because I was just so slow compared to the others. We ran together, not always speaking, but keeping each other's spirits up until we arrived back at the store. In total, we ran 4 k and we ran it in mess than 32 minutes (I know this because my 3rd 10 minute rep never ended).

And I left the run smiling. Feeling like maybe, JUST MAYBE, I CAN do this ;-)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

gym dork

I can't believe I am actually posting this... My confidence level MUST be increasing with my exercise regime because there is NO WAY I would have shared this a year ago... especially not on an openly searchable goggle blog!

But... here is my laugh for you all today.

So, I decide today I will go to the gym to run since it is a bit slick outside and I don't want to tempt fate.

FIRST, I get to the gym only to be told my month has expired (oops! It was supposed to be spring today after all and I had really REALLY hoped to be enjoying the outside for my exercising enjoyment by now!)... they let me in for today;

I get inside, only to (SECOND) notice I forgot my sports bra at the office (doh!). Instead of going back across the street to get my bra, I decide I'll use my regular bra, and the elliptical because no one should have to see "the girls" jumping around while I try to run in a regular bra (plus... ouch!) and then go to the office and wear my sports bra for the afternoon. I have a great work out am all pumped with endorphins, head to the showers only to find out;

(THIRD) my sports bra was not the only thing I forgot at the office... my fresh undies are there too! Thank goodness for long coats! I headed - totally commando - back to the office to discreetly slip into the bathroom to put on my undergarments...

*forehead plant!*

Let's hope everything in threes is truly the case here!

Today's workout was 25 minutes on the elliptical. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that piece of equipment... so nice an easy on your joints... like you are running on clouds. :-)

My friend Katie had suggested an interesting workout a while back that I decided would be fun (wait... whaaaa???????) for today.

Start on the elliptical and get to a good speed, using your legs to push you forwards.

Every 5 minutes, grab the moving arm handles, use your arms to propel yourself forward instead of your legs... all while "sitting" in a deep squat. I managed to do so for 30 seconds each 5 minutes (at minute 5, 10 and 15).

For the record... that s@!#$%s hard core!

Then, after 20 minute moving "forwards",  my last 5 minutes was moving "backwards" on the machine.

The machine put me at 3.64 km in total. I put me at a sweaty, hot mess.

This post was brought to you by ;-)

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Loop

The countdown to my restart of the 10k Running Room program is on... and scaring the CRAP out of me! The program, which I had initially began back last fall, post-injuries, it touted as the "hardest of all the running room programs". Harder than the half marathon people. I think I may have lost my mind. After restarting running  from scratch a little over 2 months ago, I am super intimidated to run with the likes of those I was attempting to run with last fall... when I had been running steady for 6 months and had 3 races under my belt. You see, the group I ran with for a couple of weeks (until I hurt myself and couldn't) seemed fast. The SLOWEST person, was ALWAYS ahead of me and I had a regular one-on-one run with the manager of the store because they didn't want to leave anyone behind. Sounds great right? Well... yes... but also a MAJOR blow to any confidence you have about your abilities as a "runner". I'm the one who keeps people back. I'm the one who "brings up the rear". I'm the one who has to take the short cuts back to the store so we can still get back at a decent time. Sigh.

I know these comments are all in my head. I know the instructors are there because they WANT to be. They want to help out people like me to achieve what they might deem to be the unachievable. For most, these instructors are people who have run many races at many distances for many years and really; what seems like an excruciatingly difficult challenging run for us, is just a fun run for them.

BUT, without knowing which type of running group I will meet on Friday, it feels scary. And I feel anxious.

The first run out with them is going to be a 3k - and shouldn't be too tough regardless. But the Sunday run is pegged to be a 5k - a distance I have yet to accomplish since injury.

So today, on the day before our (fingers and toes crossed!!!!!) last winter storm hits, I decided to run the parliament loop to see how well I could do. The loop is 4.67km in total so I made sure my walk to Wellington was my warm up so that I could start my run once I got in front of the Supreme Court Building.

I am not going to lie, the run it self was less than stellar. I felt slow... like I was running in molasses, and the wind seemed to change so that it was pushing back against me no matter which turn I took, but although I had many7 opportunities to quit early, I didn't. I completed the run in less than 37 minutes of intervals - and that is including the 4 minute walk up a hill post Alexandra Bridge on the way towards the N.A.G.

I thought of turning back at the end of Portage Bridge, I thought of going down to Rideau Centre and hopping a bus back to my end of town and then I thought of going down Elgin to catch the bus there and be able to finish the run on a downward slope. I did none of those. And once I had my daily bus stop at Bank and Wellington in my view, I just bore down and finished the run. I was determined to finish the whole loop. NO.CHEATING.

I have also made a running date for Wednesday to do the loop again. On Friday, I will suck it up and head to Westboro for day 1 of the RR program and be proud of all I have accomplished in the last 2 months. Sunday, I had a date with a friend (hopefully 2) in Aylmer to run another 5 k as per the RR program.

As it stands, I am less than 6 weeks from my first run of 2013. Lets see how much I can push it until then!


Friday, March 15, 2013

oh dear...

You know it has been too long when you have to remind yourself where your last blog post left you. (ooops - sorry, maman) ;-)

Last Friday, Mark and I decided to take the day off to relax a little. I find that happens often at this time of the year. That long gap without any stat holidays between New Years Day and Easter just makes you yearn to play hookie for a day.

I had a run scheduled for that day, and instead of trying to schedule it in sometime around our plans, I decided to map out the distance between where we have been dropping off Joshua for his March Break day camp and back home. The GPS place the run at 4km - which was perfect for what I hoped would be a nice relaxed run in the morning... scratch that; nice relaxed run doesn't do that run justice.... The spring weather added an extra "spring" in my set and the run ended up being almost perfect. The only thing that made it a little less than stellar... there was a fair amount of ice still left on the sidewalks making some parts of the run a bit precarious at times... but hey - I'LL TAKE IT!

I managed to keep a pretty good pace and was happy to see myself able to keep the pace the treadmill forces me to keep while still outside. In fact, as I got closer to our neighbourhood, I found myself needing to find some extra mileage in order to complete my scheduled run time!


Now if only mother nature would give us some of that weather again so I could enjoy the feeling of that beaming sun on my face again, I would be golden!