Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Into the deep end

Holy crap I did it.

I actually pressed the submit button.

On the morning of September 29, 2013, I will be participating in a triathalon.

By 9:30am (or earlier), I will be a triathlete.

Let's backtrack a bit, shall we?

My brick workout last Sunday ended up going better than I expected.

I managed to comfortably complete over 10k on the bike in less than 30 minutes. My run, 1.78k (one small loop of my neighbourhood) was done in less than 13 minutes.

And it felt good!

After my ride, the legs and glutes were tight - the muscles constricted after being used for a longer period and at a speed not familiar. But instead of feeling jello legs, they felt strong and I found a bounce in my step that I don't normally have. My stride seemed a bit flatter but at the same time it seemed longer. Maybe it was all in my mind, I don't know; but whatever it was, I ran with confidence. When I walked after about 8 minutes, it was more because I "wanted to", not because I "felt it necessary". I was tired, but not "done". In reality, at one point, I played the "do I really NEED to walk?" game and told myself - you can walk as long as you run until the end of the road.

I arrived back at the house feeling invigorated and confident that I.CAN.DO.THIS.

My facebook status on Monday "I'm all in". I felt good and ready to tackle this new challenge.

Financially, I had to wait until today to click on submit, and when I did, I felt excited but still scared for the adventure of trying something unknown.

So, the race deets: It is at the Nepean Sportsplex and is E.A.R.L.Y. I need to be there by 7am and the first (fastest) swimmers in the try-a-tri will be in the pool at 8am.

NOTE: I need to figure out how long it takes me to swim 100 meters before then.

Then I'm on the bike for 13k (a totally indimidating thought due to needing to share the road with the cars! - eek!), then a 3k run through the (now more familiar to me because of the night race) wooden trails behind the Sportsplex.

I have found out my friend and inspirational half-ironwoman Allyson will be at the finish line giving out the medals. I look forward to running towards her and have forwarned her to expect a stinky finish line hug. :)

I have also inspired (well, to push the button...) another friend to take that jump into the deep end too. My friend Jay will also be trying-a-tri that day! YAY for sweaty company!

I have no clue whether I will get the kids and the husband out to cheer me on - but I suspect not because of the timing... I will need to be out of the house by 6:30am to arrive on time and I just can't see that happening with 2 kids and the husband in tow. They are likely to still be in bed by the time I am done and home! (slight exageration but really... we like our lazy weekend mornings in the Sisson household)

I'm hoping, aside from the few sweaty sisters I know will be there, I can phenangle a few family members to come act as cheering section. (hint, hint Maman!)

I can't wipe this excited smirk off my face, but yet I keep going back to that first line.

Holy crap, I did it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to be there in some capacity to cheer. This is awesome!

FYI, Nepean does have open lane swim most evenings if you want to go check out the pool and try some laps. That will be the pool you are in, so hey, why not?

You can most definitely do this, and it will be great. I have utmost confidence in you.