Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Last week my family was sick with colds the majority of the week.

I was bound and determined to stay healthy... at least until after my race on Sunday.

Saturday morning, I had one KILLER of a headache, but with the help of extra strength Advil and a nap, I seemed to have been able to clear it in time for the run on Sunday.

Like clockwork, on Monday, I could feel my body succumbing to phlem and fatigue. On Tuesday morning, I took the day off work because I felt so rotten. I slept until noon, and then ate lunch in bed while catching up on Castle and Bones.

I could feel the goo (as my daughter calls it) in my lungs and quickly went and renewed my Advair (asthma inhaler) prescription and started taking it as a precautionary so this virus doesn't get too cozy and decide to play house in my lungs.

Today, I was supposed to run hills but and hesitant given my lungs not feeling 100%. Instead, I'll run a rolling route in my neighbourhood that begins going down, but also comes back up, only at a less obnoxious of a vertical than the hills I saw Sunday (or would see tonight were I to go to Westboro). The other important thing about the route tonight... It is easily changed on a whim. If I feel things are getting a bit too laboured, I can always cut it a bit shorter.

I am learning to be nice to my body; to respect and accept its occasional limitations - what a concept!

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