Monday, April 22, 2013

Hillcrest Hell

Friday night's Running Room was my introduction to hill training. I've been told they help with endurance, with speed, with strength... yeah... they still suck.

We ran a half k warm up over to Hillcrest Avenue which is very aptly named. It runs north/south from Byron up to Nepean High School and is (from what I have been told) exactly 400 meters uphill. "Perfect" for hill training... yah.

Our induction included 3 repeats of this nasty hill. The first half is WAY nasty - with a relatively steep incline and then a road way's distance of "recovery" before the second incline hump up to the top. We were told we could walk on the way down until our heart rate lowered, and then once that occurred, to continue the rest of the way down the hill at a slow jog before heading up for the next repeat.

As I have become used to, although I was one of the first runners to follow Laurence (the Westboro manager - who was leading our hill training) up, I was quickly passed by the rest of the gang. There were times where I struggled and at least once (OK - many twice) when I had made the decision to only do 2 reps instead of the 3 we had scheduled for the night. Lucky (?????) for me, Laurence saw caught me trying to skimp the last 10 feet from the top of the hill (with an enthusiastic "the hill ends over there!"... THANKS Laurence! Sigh) and then when I turned around and redid those last 10 feet (cuz I am oh-so-good at taking a beating accepting training help), Laurence informed me he was "sticking with me" and thereby crushed my plans of not completing that last hill. In all seriousness though - Laurence is awesome and I was really glad he had my back.

So - another major milestone in my journey... hills training done! I now "only" need to double the amount of reps I did this past week in the next 3 weeks (increasing one hill per week).

My legs hurt just thinking of it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did it. The first time I did a "Hill workout" I sucked wind like a broken accordion, my legs were jello, and I walked half of it.

This is amazing, what you are doing. Pushing yourself, trying new things, and it will take you amazing places. Good job on your first hill session. they do get easier, and I bet you will love your new leg muscles after the third or fourth hill workout.